International Bicycle Demonstration from Gorleben to Barseb�ck
Since Germany began to be ruled by a red-green government Sweden and Germany are closely related when it comes to the question of phasing out nuclear power. Decisions made in one country can affect decisions in the other. The German resistance, with 30 000 demonstrators against nuclear transports, may give new strength to the resistance in Sweden. During the last years, German and Swedish energyproviding companies, such as Sydkraft and PreussenElektra, have established a mutual shareholdership in order to obstruct the phase-out in both countries. (see background information).
With this bicycle ride we want to create a new contact between the nuclear power resistance in Germany and Sweden, and show that protests against nuclear power have no borders. The ride will take us through Germany on small countryside roads, along the river of Elbe and the southern coast of Sweden. (Full itinary is available in other language versions). Old churches, castles and nuclear facilities will be passed on our way to Barseb�ck, and we also plan to visit historical landmarks that have witnessed actions of resistance under a thousand years. (in Swedish only).
On Saturday the 7:th of August at the end of the cycle ride a demonstration will be held in Sweden to convince the politicians to commence a phase-out - starting with Barseb�ck. To achieve this a massive opinion against nuclear power is necessary to influence the authorities as much as possible. The demonstration begins at 11 a.m. in S�dra lekplatsen in Lund, a small university town nearby Barseb�ck. We will travel 20 km and the demonstation culminates with a party in Slottsparken at 6.30 p.m.